logo Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4
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calendar Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 - 19:00
calendar 16. May 2023.
News from the gallery

English-speaking guided tours for the exhibition Vis-à-Vis 200 – The Archaeological Heritage of the Island of Vis

Dear English-speaking visitors,

upon your request, we can organize an English-speaking guided tour of Vis-à-Vis 200 – The Archaeological Heritage of the Island of Vis.

Your visit must be announced in advance at: prodaja@gkd.hr, or phone number +385 1 4851926 (we receive calls on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m)

You can make reservations for group visits (10 people are considered a group) or individual visits. Prices for these differ:

Upon purchasing the ticket for the exhibition – the tour itself is free.