logo Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4
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calendar Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 - 19:00
calendar 26. April 2024.
News from the gallery

9th Croatian Prints Triennial and solo exhibition of Ines Krasić: Nevermore

The exhibition was organized with the support of the City Office for Culture and Civil Society of the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia, and the Zagreb Tourist Board.

Exhibition curators: Ana Petković Basletić, senior curator; Ružica Pepelko, museum advisor, Department of Prints and Drawings, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Katarina Srdarev Škorić, senior curator, Klovićevi dvori Gallery.

Department of Prints and Drawings is organizing the 9th Croatian Prints Triennial in the Klovićevi dvori Gallery, an event that presents Croatian contemporary graphic art production. This national exhibition platform, as a training ground for the confrontation of creative approaches, will gather recognized artists and younger authors who were largely formed and matured within our graphic centers – Rijeka, Osijek, Split, and Zagreb. Showing a wide generational range, technical diversity, and high quality, the exhibition of works created in the period from 2020 to 2024 represents current aspirations within the domestic graphic art discipline with diverse types of authentic artistic expressions, ruminations within the medium, and the breadth of graphic parameters. The exhibition puts into dialogue the invited, affirmed, and jury-selected authors and their artistic reflections on contemporary graphic practices. By presenting the heterogeneity of today’s graphic production, ranging from the expression of the métier, the extensibility of the graphic medium, the digital matrix, and modernization, experimentation within the discipline, all the way to conceptual graphic thinking and actions, an insight into the contemporary tendencies of the graphic art is provided.

A special part of the event is the solo exhibition of graphic artist Ines Krasić, winner of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Award at the 8th Croatian Prints Triennial. Although trained in traditional graphic orientation and worked with a primary material and a matrix, deviations from the methodology of traditional processing of matrices with contemporary considerations and the application of alternative possibilities of the graphic process are a part of Ines Krasić’s work. The realization of the installation works “Nevermore”, resulting from the “Leisure” project, reflects the actualization of the meaning of the terms and synonyms of leisure and idleness, which the artist views as a state beyond work, but also as a state of challenges and decisions faced by today’s society.