logo Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4
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calendar Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 - 19:00
calendar 27. June 2022.
News from the gallery

We have a winner! The prize game “Klimt in Rijeka – love, death, ecstasy”

Log concerning the draw in the prize game “Klimt in Rijeka – love, death, ecstasy”

The prize-draw of the winner was conducted in the Klovićevi dvori Gallery, address: Jezuitski trg 4 (Jesuit square 4), Zagreb, Personal Identification Number: 78027759648.

Pursuant to the provisions of article 69, paragraph 5 of the Law on Games of Chance (Zakon o igrama na sreću (Narodne novine NN 87/09, 35/13, 158/13, 41/14, 143/14)) and the Regulation on organizing prize games (Pravilnik o priređivanju nagradnih igara (Narodne novine 8/10)), in accordance with the Rules of the prize game, and with the expressed consent of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia (CLASS: UP/I-460-02/22-01/215 Ref.No.: 513-07-21-01-22-2 dated May 12, 2022) issued for the Public Institution Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4, Zagreb, OIB (Personal Identification Number) 78027759648,

– on June 27, 2022, on the premises of the Klovićevi dvori Gallery, Jezuitski trg 4, Zagreb, the three-member jury, consisting of Marina Leš (Freywille), Dora Mlinek (Klovićevi dvori Gallery), and Ana Fistanić (Klovićevi dvori Gallery), drew the single winner of the prize game “Klimt in Rijeka – love, death, ecstasy”, in accordance with Article 7 of the Rules of the prize game.

The winner: Nensi Baričević Fazinić, Zagreb

The winner must collect the prize within 30 (thirty) days from receiving  the written notification of winning the prize, and when collecting the prize, must present the ticket with the serial number corresponding to the one on the winning prize ticket, along with their ID card.

Members of the jury:




Zagreb, 27 June 2022

Ref. number: 264/dm/2022.